On Tuesday 28th March, HTHCT trustees met with successful bidder, FEC, and representatives from their two communications’ agencies and Make architects. Agenda items covered included the Trust’s involvement in securing a viable future for Hornsey Town Hall as well as community use and access; our role in the OJEU procurement process; FEC’s consultation strategy and timeline; the restoration and building project timeline; the arts’ partner; ways of working together and future meetings.
FEC confirmed it will launch its project website, www.restoringhornseytownhall.com, imminently. This will act as an online hub for ongoing news about the refurbishment of Hornsey Town Hall, including the Community Use Agreement which, as part of the development agreement with the London Borough of Haringey, guarantees long-term community access to and use of the building. They will also publish an outline timetable, information about the project team, and the conservation of the building. There will also be an opportunity for comment and to provide feedback. For those who wish to comment in person or by post, FEC will establish a physical hub with a community post box in Hornsey Town Hall next month.
In addition to the launch of the website, the next key milestone is a meeting with Haringey planners, currently scheduled for mid-April. Works are due to begin in Q2 (April-June) 2018.