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Hornsey Town Hall – the role of the Trust

Hornsey Town Hall Creative Trust is taking part in the formal procurement process for the regeneration of Hornsey Town Hall.

We worked with the council to draft the tender information, at the heart of which is long-term sustainable community and arts use alongside the much-needed refurbishment of this historic building.  Over the coming months, the Trust will be evaluating and scoring developer/operator proposals for community and creative uses at Hornsey Town Hall as part of the procurement process. All bids will be considered and scored according to the criteria laid out in the tender documents.

Haringey Council’s most recent update on the procurement process can be read here []. It also gives details of the extension of the temporary lease granted to ANA who run The Arts Centre at Hornsey Town Hall.

If you want to read through the community consultation on the future of Hornsey Town Hall, undertaken by the Trust in 2015, please click here [150608_hth_community_use_and_access_paper

HTH Debate at full council, Monday 23 November

There was a debate on procurement and the future of Hornsey Town Hall at a full Council meeting last night, triggered by the petition from Hornsey Town Hall Appreciation Society. You can watch the debate here

It starts at 1.10.20 and finishes at 1.33.50

Hornsey Town Hall tender published

The tender for the refurbishment and development of Hornsey Town Hall has been published.    Hornsey Town Hall Creative Trust will be part of the evaluation team, focussing on proposals for commununity access and use.

A summary  can be found here

and there is a link to the tender here

The council’s press release about the tender is here: